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About Mary

I am a maker and creator. I am an artist and believe that you are too.  

My mission is to encourage you to play.  Think back to your childhood. What did you like to do? Did you enjoy drawing or writing? Cooking or baking? Playing music or growing plants? Often remembering what you loved as a child can guide you to your favorite thing. Give it a try. 

In the meantime I will be here to remind you that creativity can heal your soul and bring peace to your day. 

Join me on this journey.

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About: Bio

Interesting trivia about me:

I love growing plants.

I was a quality assurance technician at a pickle plant. 

I paddled a canoe in Lake Erie, across 5 miles of open water to reach an island, and then had to paddle back. 

I play the violin.

Dried mangoes and walnuts are two of my favorite snacks. 

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I grew up in northeast Ohio. We lived on a farm. My parents, who were school teachers, encouraged creativity, particularly if it meant recycling. Paper, pencils, fabric and yarn were always available.

My mother taught me to sew, and by high school I made my own clothes. 

My grandmother taught me to knit. Along the way I learned to crochet, embroider, do needlepoint and cross-stitch. My love of painting was inspired early--- by paint-by-number-on-velvet kits.

Graduate school, marriage and family distracted me from art for many years, but then on Ash Wednesday 2000 we had a house fire which turned our family on end.  Our sons were in grade school.

While living in a mobile home I rediscovered sewing, having been given an old sewing machine. Stitching saved me. In some ways it was therapy, and in discovering quilting and quilt makers, I had new friends. I found a tribe. 

Today I continue to stitch, draw and paint. I hope to inspire you to explore your own creativity with me no matter what you would like to try. 

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Published Books

Under Glass (Finishing Line Press, 2019)

Moth at the Window: Poetry of G.W. Clayton and Recollections of Indiana (Xlibris, 2014) 

Authored Articles 

Quilting Arts Magazine “Make a Mug Rug” 2015; “Felting Vintage Fibers: What’s Old is New Again”  August-September 2013, p. 22-24.

Contributor Books and Interviews

The Healing Art of Pathology,  College of American Pathologists, Chicago 2016, cover art and inside feature article

Fiber Art Almanac: Essays from the American Midwest;The Quilt Maker’s Story, Wildwood Press, 2016

Natural Awakenings, “Community Spotlight: Expressing Creativity with Mary Lachman and Robin McCahill”, September 2010, p. 34-35.

Television Interview

Branford Public Broadcasting with Jan Doyle, 2018


Bachelor of Science in Food Science and M.D.

Art Teaching Exerience

Shoreline Quilters, Branford CT 

Quadrille Quilting, North Haven, CT

Clark Memorial Library, Bethany, CT

Levi Coe Library, Middlefield, CT

New Britain Museum of Art with Robin McCahill

ArtsPlace, Cheshire with Robin McCahill

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • Uncommon Beauty, Roche Diagnostics, Tucson, AZ, 2019

  • Textile Duo and Local Inspiration, Windham Textile Museum, Williamantic, CT,  2017

  • Farmington River Quilt Project-Canal Pool 2, ConnecticutRiver Stewardship; 

  • Winchester Center and  Barkhamsted, CT, 2016 

  • Shuffle and Shake,  Sumner McKnight Crosby Jr. Gallery, Arts Council of Greater New Haven, 2016

  • Soulful Journey, Windsor Arts Center, 2016​

  • Sacred Threads,  Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), juried traveling exhibit, National tour, 2015-2017

Selected Juried Exhibitions

  • Local Color 4: Rails, Roads and Rivers, Windsor Arts Center, Windsor CT, 2020

  • Local Color 3: Inspired by Science, Windsor Arts Center, Windsor CT, 2018

  • #IBelieveInWaterbury, Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury CT, 2017

  • Connecticut Women Art Association Exhibition,  Arts Center East, Tolland CT, 2017


Studio Art Quilts Associates, Connecticut (SAQA-CT) State Representative 2018–2020

Founding Member, CT Fiber Arts Collective

Former President, Heritage Quilters of Wallingford CT

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