Good morning.
In the dark before dawn, if I am up, I like to read, write, and listen to poetry. I keep several books by my chair along with my journal and favorite pen. It is a beautiful thing to watch another day come into being.
This morning I listened to an episode of the podcast "Poetry Unbound". Padraig O' Tuama is the host who reads and then discusses a poem in each episode. For me, these short episodes are relaxing and inspiring. Sometimes I learn things I didn't know or am reminded of stories forgotten.
So many poets tackle big topics. In the morning I like to contemplate ideas.
Life is such a big topic. We don't really understand it even though writers and thinkers have tried for thousands of years.
Instead we walk in faith. We believe in love. We believe better days lie ahead.
We bravely enter the day. Courageous for what awaits us.
Embrace the morning.
Believe in yourself.
You are unique. Creative. We do life together - and it's amazing.
Light is beginning to spill over the horizon.
The day begins ready for me to walk, full of gratitude,
into the amazing experience of a new day.
Thank you for being on this journey with me.