Welcome to a month where the Connecticut weather alternates between snow, freezing rain, and rain. Thankfully I no longer have to commute to work. Now I just finish my coffee and go upstairs to play.
With Covid rates declining in our area I am less anxious about going out in public, but still stay home a majority of the time. It allows me to work on projects.
Here is a little quilt (12"x12") that I made. I think it needs something else---maybe a tree? What do you think? I'd enjoy reading your comments.

And here's a another little one.

During the past year I have begun drawing again. I used to draw a lot as a child, but stopped sometime as a teenager. However, during the pandemic it has been a very settling thing to do. It is almost a meditative practice because it requires me to sit still and focus on what I am attempting to draw.
In addition, thanks to my friend, Alice Chaffee Freeman, I was introduced to the online watercolor classes taught by Lynn Zimmerman who lives in New Hampshire. I had not played with watercolors before. It is a slow process but I am learning. Here's is the onion I painted a few weeks ago. For class we can paint whatever we'd like and Lynn is there to help us. I tend to choose fruit or vegetables.
First this is the onion.

Second here is my picture.

Last month I shared a few goals for the first two months of 2022 and a I want to update you on that as well.
Duolingo (Italian) - Still practicing each day, but I'm not to Unit 2 yet!
Read "The Great Spring" by Natalie Goldberg - DONE!
Write 3 short stories about my mother - Still only in the idea phase
Visit the Boston MFA - CANCELLED my visit feeling there was too much risk of Covid
Practice meditation each day - Yes
Practice QiGong each day - Every other day
Telephone at least two friends each week - Averaged one phone call and a few texts
As you can see it's not all completed and it was not meant to be. It's just a list that directs my attention and action. Just like everything it's a process. We evolve and grow as we try new things, read new ideas, and meet new people. I hope that you are learning and enjoying the journey.
Thank you for reading.